Hi there! Have you ever thought about your custom gesture?
Well, SwiftUI provides a plethora of built-in gestures, such as taps, drags, and pinches. However, there are times when you need to create custom gestures to deliver a more interactive and unique user experience. In this article, we’ll explore how to create and use custom gestures in SwiftUI.
1. Basics of Gestures in SwiftUI
SwiftUI offers a straightforward and intuitive way to add gestures to any view through modifiers. For example, adding a tap gesture is done using the .onTapGesture modifier.
2. Creating a Custom Gesture
To create a custom gesture, you can use DragGesture or LongPressGesture, combining them to achieve the desired behavior. Let's create a gesture that recognizes a long press followed by a drag.
Read full article here: https://medium.com/@Andas_Salgara/swiftui-custom-gestures-0766ab454705